I've been playing Mother 3 again, I don't know why. I've already played through it twice, but this time I decided to use the English translation by spookychee on GameFAQ's. Actually, the first two playthroughs were with no translation at all, just a rough idea of the storyline with a little imagination added. This way is much better, to play it with the translation. Even though it's not the translation patch, it's OK. I guess I'm just getting impatient with waiting for the English translation patch that Tomato and others from Starmen.net are working on. Of course, I'll definitely play it once, twice, three times, well jeez, probably 50 times with the English translation patch, but I just felt like playing it again recently.
I'm on chapter 7 already, about 20 hours into the game. God, it still amazes me. It still makes me so happy, sad, melancholy I guess... to play the game. Playing it with the translation is so awesome. Knowing what someone is saying makes it a completely different game. It's hard to believe that I had actually played it completely in Japanese, not knowing a lick of what they were saying before.
I love Mother3. I love Shigesato Itoi. Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
If you haven't played it, you should. Just try to. When the patch comes out, play it.. That is, if you're an English speaker.
On the other hand, if you're Japanese, play it in Japanese. You won't regret it. It's not that long of a game. It's not that hard to get through, even on low levels. If you're experienced at RPGs you'll fly through it, but even if you're not, you'll still make it through with little to no trouble at all.
Just play it!! For me??? It's like, a greatest hits game now in Japan. Not sure of the term they use there, but you can buy it on Play-Asia.com now for $14.90 USD. That's super cheap. You should just play it.
If you don't wanna buy it, just download the rom at least. In fact, play EarthBound first. If you haven't played EarthBound... well then I don't know what. But, if you want to understand me at all, you have to play EarthBound. That game influenced every aspect about my personality to this day. Everything that I'm interested in, everything I say, my sense of humor ... Just play it. It's an amazing game. If you think games like Final Fantasy 7 and Chrono Trigger are amazing, try EarthBound if you haven't. It's better, WAY better than those games... In my opinion. But, even if you don't think it's the best game ever after playing it, you will rank it up there with those games, I promise.
And if not, I'm sorry but you have no taste in games. Sad, but true.