Tuesday, December 11, 2007

More Weather & More Games!!

Well, it's been an exciting past few days out here in my neck of the woods!
We just had a major ice storm move through my state. Lots of crazy stuff has been happening since then. Because the ice got so thickly coated on the trees and power lines, they started coming down down down. More than half the city I live in is without electricity right now. I for one do have electricity at my house currently, but no telephone, cable or internet. I am really bored there without the internet, so I decided to come to work after debating whether or not that was a good idea.
I tried to go to other places before coming here, but they were all either closed or without internet as well, so yeah, sucks!
I have been playing Grim Grimoire a lot lately, but my little sister is borrowing my PS2 right now to play Digital Devil Saga (She's a chip off the 'ol block!)

I took a video of some damage from the ice storm in my neighborhood. I also took some photos.

So aside from the weather, I stopped by a pawn shop that I've been meaning to go to ever since I moved here (SEVEN YEARS AGO) but never have. They always have some mentally disabled guy standing outside in front of the store with an "80% OFF" sign.

They had a pretty decent selection of NES games (by pawn shop standards, that is) but their prices were lame. $9.99 was pretty much the standard there. Anyway, I did get 3, and they hooked me up with 1 for free.

So those are the three games I bought today, Disney's Adventures in the Magic Kingdom, Maniac Mansion and Master Chu & The Drunkard Hu (craptastic).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Samtron. How are you? You must be in Midwest. I hope you get your power back soon and internet connection too. I can’t imagine how to live without power for more than day, I’ll probably go crazy. Sometime I wonder how peoples lived without power 100s of years ago. Didn’t see anyone in your video and photos. Where did they go?
I guess you have to stock up a lot of batteries for your portable games and flush lights. And nice to have an extra one in the bathroom tho. Talk with you soon at 2 BBS.