Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Games!

Today was my first day back from work after being gone all week for Christmas. Not only did I get a little Christmas money (which I spent on clothes and a new camcorder) but I also got paid today, so I bought some games I was meaning to buy.

I bought Guardian Legend on the NES because LufiaSelan and I were talking about how awesome that game is this morning and I realized I didn't have it.

I was given Ninja Gaiden by my co-worker/friend Andy as a late Christmas Gift. Pretty cool, huh? :)

Raiden 3. This game was at Wal-Mart for about a month at $19.99 but I never bought it! Ugh!!!~ I finally got it at my store, and had to pay more. What bullshit.

Hmmmms what could this be...?? :)

You can't tell me that's awesome!

Anyway, that's what I bought. It's good to be home!

I also found this older picture of me... Well, it's not that old, maybe a few months old. Check it out!

Mario!!! So cute~

Like I said before, I bought a new camcorder with my Christmas money, so on my next day off (Tuesday) I'll be making my newest video. I'll be talking about Rainbow Islands for the NES this time. It should be interesting! I'll also be adding a new feature to my videos.. Picture in Picture! That is, if I can get it figured out. I'll be filming it on Tuesday, but it might not be up until a week later, because it takes me that long to edit it, and my translator has to translate it, then I have to input the subtitles. Please be patient!

I guess that's it for this update! I hope everyone has a great New Year!!

Sunday, December 23, 2007


I'm at my Dad's house for Christmas. I'm way out in the middle of nowhere in the state of Missouri.
It's really nice out here, and his house is really cool!!! I took lots of video on the way here, and I'll be taking plenty more as I'm out here, so you guys can see my trip. It should be really cool.
His internet out here is really really slow, and I have almost no mobile phone service. The bedroom I'm sleeping in has no TV, so I'm going to see if I can load up some videos for me to watch while I'm going to bed. I'm actually not used to NOT watching TV before bed.... So... Yeah :P
I brought my XBOX, DS Lite and NeoGeo Pocket Color to play while I'm out here too, so I guess I can do that aswell.
I really wish there was some sort of wireless internet here, but I guess out in the country, there's no chance of that.
They are using satellite internet. Fun!!!!!!

I'll try to update later with some pictures or something.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Friday, December 21, 2007

One of those stupid quizzes..

• A
Are you available?: Not for you!!!~
What is your age?: 21
Astrological sign?: Virgo

• B
Do you know anyone named Brian?: A few people..
When is your Birthday? September 10
Ever been stung by a bee? Yes

• C
Whats your favorite candy? Three Musketeers
What color is your computer? White.

• D
Do you daydream?: Sometimes
Whats your favorite kind of dog?: The kind that doesn't bark

• E
Have you ever been in the emergency room? yezzir
Ever pet an elephant? I can't say.
Ever swam with sharks?:There's not a chance of that

Do you use fly swatters? Umm... What? I guess..
Is there a fan in your room? A portable one
Do you like Fall Out Boy? No

• G
Do you chew gum? Orbit Cinnimon
Do you like gory movies? I don't seek them out for that alone.

• H
How are you?: Normal
What's your height?: 5'2"
What color is your hair? Brown/Black/White

• J
Favorite Jelly bean flavor? Strawberry, I guess
Do you wear jewelery?: Yes!

• K
Who do you want to kill? Nobody!
Have you ever flown a kite?: I love kites
Do you think kangaroos are cute? Yeah, sure

• L
Are you laid back?: Pretty laid back
Lions or tigers?: Tigers
Do you like black licorice? No!!

• M
Favorite store at the Mall?: Game Stop/Lucca/Sephora
Favorite movie?: My Sassy Girl

• N
Do you have a nickname? tons. Which would you like to hear first?
Do you prefer night or day?: both have their perks

• O
Are you an only child?: No, I have one younger sister.
Do you like the color orange?: No, not really.

• P
Do you know anyone named Penelope? My Mom's dog is named Penelope!
Favorite flavor of popcorn?: Good old fashioned butter flavor.

• R
Do you think you're always right?: No, but I try to pretend.
Do you watch reality TV?: Not really

• S
Do you prefer sun or rain?: I like the rain better, except when it FREEZES!!!!
Do you like snow?: ABSOLUTELY NOT!

• T
Time to go to sleep?: Way past time..
Tomatoes?: Are amazing!

• U
Can you ride a unicycle?: I don't think so, no.
Do you know anyone with a unibrow?: Yes.

Did you ever watch Veggie Tales?: Hell no

• W
What's your worst habit: Smoking
What do you want right now?: Sleep!!

• X
Have you ever had an x-ray?: Just once, on my arm.

• Y
Do you like the color yellow?: Not really
Do you yell when you're angry?: I try not to

• Z
Do you believe in zodiac?: No, it's vauge and general.

What a lame quiz. Hope you enjoyed it more than me! Post your own version in the comments if you want!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

More Weather & More Games!!

Well, it's been an exciting past few days out here in my neck of the woods!
We just had a major ice storm move through my state. Lots of crazy stuff has been happening since then. Because the ice got so thickly coated on the trees and power lines, they started coming down down down. More than half the city I live in is without electricity right now. I for one do have electricity at my house currently, but no telephone, cable or internet. I am really bored there without the internet, so I decided to come to work after debating whether or not that was a good idea.
I tried to go to other places before coming here, but they were all either closed or without internet as well, so yeah, sucks!
I have been playing Grim Grimoire a lot lately, but my little sister is borrowing my PS2 right now to play Digital Devil Saga (She's a chip off the 'ol block!)

I took a video of some damage from the ice storm in my neighborhood. I also took some photos.

So aside from the weather, I stopped by a pawn shop that I've been meaning to go to ever since I moved here (SEVEN YEARS AGO) but never have. They always have some mentally disabled guy standing outside in front of the store with an "80% OFF" sign.

They had a pretty decent selection of NES games (by pawn shop standards, that is) but their prices were lame. $9.99 was pretty much the standard there. Anyway, I did get 3, and they hooked me up with 1 for free.

So those are the three games I bought today, Disney's Adventures in the Magic Kingdom, Maniac Mansion and Master Chu & The Drunkard Hu (craptastic).

Sunday, December 9, 2007

How to repair your NES

I made a tutorial video on how to repair your NES! Now go fix it and stop paying $50 for a different one!

Winter and New Games

Winter is cold, and winter is depressing. The only thing I really like about winter is that I get to wear sweaters, but that can also be done during the fall, which technically, we are still in, but it doesn't feel like it.
Right now, the weather is disgusting. Last night, while at a friends house for a party, there was a thunderstorm, complete with lightning, thunder, rain and wind. Soon afterwards, the temperature falls to 20-something fahrenheit, and freezes every last drop that fell to the ground earlier.
This morning when I woke up to go home from my friend Angel's house, my car door was completely frozen shut. After I got my car de-iced, and was on my way home, the roads weren't so bad. They were wet, and slick in some spots, but not bad.
That's going to change later tonight, surely.
The electricity at my house keeps going out, making it very difficult to do anything except use my laptop and play hand-held games. It is really frustrating!!!!

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This is a picture of the tree in front of my house. It's covered in ice :(

Anyway, this post wouldn't be complete with some updates in my current gaming life, now would it?

First off, my coworker, Josh, gave me a Hanukah gift! It's really cool, something I've been wanting for a long time now, but always put off buying.

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A NeoGeo Pocket Color!!!! Cool! Awesome!!!

Wow, Josh is really cool!!! Thanks so much for that Josh!!!

I only have one game right now for it, and that's Gal's Fighter. I think the NeoGeo Pocket Color is going to help me in my game reviews, since there are some decent games on it, but not many people own one, or even know it exists anymore. I remember hearing about it a lot when I was a little bit younger, but never knew where to find one. It's actually a very superior system for it's time!! It's not expensive either, you can pick one up for about $25-30 used, which is about the same price as a GameBoy Advance these days. If you see one you should pick it up!!

Also!!!! I've been playing a different game lately, on the PlayStation 2. It's called GrimGrimoire.
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It is soooo badass! You know, to be completely honest with you, I'm not the type of person that likes Magic, or Wizards, Warlocks, Sorcery, Dragons, Elves, Fairies, (Do I really need to go on? I think you get the point..) BUT! I Do like this game a lot! Why? Well, aside from all of that stuff, if you can overlook it (Unless you are really into that kinda thing) it makes for a really great game! It's an RTS(Real-Time Strategy) style game, where you learn different types of Magic and use them in battle. All of the gameplay is done through battles, not unlike almost every RTS game ever made. The difference is, that rather than an over-head view or 3/4 view of the battlefield, it uses a sidescrolling 2D battlefield. The art style is exactly like Odin Sphere (Probably because they are both designed by the same company, VanillaWare. The story is hilarious (Probably because of the NIS localization) but also pretty dramatic. I'm only about 9 hours into the game and on the third "Day 1". If you play the game, you'll know what I'm talking about (THAT MEANS GO BUY IT!!), OH YEAH! And one more thing! If you're living in America, and you are interested in this game at all, liked Odin Sphere, love RTS games, collect rare games, are a fan of NIS, or just want something fun to play, you really need to go and buy it. But don't buy it from GameStop or EB Games! BUY IT AT WAL-MART! When I bought mine, it was only $20, but on eBay and other places it's still $40-$50 and will rise! I can't guarantee that it will be at your Wal-Mart, or that it will still be $20, but seriously, if you see it there, don't hesitate to pick it up, because you won't be disappointed!

Well, I suppose that's about it for now! I'll write more if I think of anything else.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

New blog.

Hi everyone, I decided to create a blog centering around video games. I'm not sure if anyone is going to read this, but if anyone does decide to, that's what it's here for. I also might make some personal posts, but for the most part, it's going to be about games, my videos, and similar things.
I've been buying a lot of NES games lately, even though I have pretty much every NES title on my modified XBOX. I still like to have the collection, and I'm not going to review any video game that I don't own. So even though I have many, many games on my XBOX, I'll only be using that to try stuff out, and if I decide to review a game I haven't bought yet, I'll go out and buy it.
It's really not that hard for me to get... pretty much any game (US release) that my heart desires. I mean, at the company I work for, we carry just about anything you can think of, and there are more than 10 stores, so the chances of at least one of those stores having that game are pretty high.

Well, I guess I'm going to make a back posts to fill this thing up. I'll post some videos and old text reviews I've done. I'm tired of having some stuff here, some stuff there, some stuff on another site. It sucks. I need one central place for all the reviews and blogs concerning games.

Can I change the date for blog posts?

Don't worry, I'll figure it out.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Work Christmas Party - HeyDay!

Heyday. It sucks.
Drink more beer to improve results!